Data lifecycle

Bio300B Lecture 1

Richard J. Telford (

Institutt for biovitenskap, UiB

21 August 2024

Why do biologists need statistics anyway?

Why do YOU need

  • data handling skills
  • data visualisation skills
  • statistics skills

Biology is applied data science!

  • Nearly all papers include data visualisation and analysis
  • Need to be able to understand the methods used to evaluate paper
  • Need to be able to make visualisations and analyses for papers, reports, theses

Changing expectations

  • FAIR and open science
  • Reproducible research

Most scientists ‘can’t replicate studies by their peers’

Data life-cycle

circo a Design b Gather a->b b2 Enter b->b2 b3 Import b2->b3 d Clean b3->d e Visualise d->e f Analyse d->f e->d e->f g Communicate e->g f->d f->e f->g h Archive g->h i Death g->i j Find & Reuse h->j j->b3

Experimental Design

Lecture 5

  • Observational studies vs experiments
  • Randomisation
  • How many replicates do you need?
  • Statistical traps

Data entry

  • Make your data easy to import.

  • Proof read & data validation

  • Lock data file. No more edits.


Practical recommendations for organizing spreadsheet data to reduce errors and ease later analyses.

  • be consistent
  • write dates as YYYY-MM-DD
  • do not leave any cells empty
  • put just one thing in a cell
  • organize the data as a single rectangle (rows = subjects; columns = variables; single header row)
  • create a data dictionary
  • do not include calculations in the raw data files
  • do not use font, colour or highlighting as data
  • choose good names for things
  • use data validation to avoid data entry errors
  • save the data in plain text files.


When is 1-9-2021?

Sex coded as 0 & 1

Data importing

R can import almost any data type.

  • CSV files with readr
  • Excel files with readxl
  • shapefiles with sf
  • NetCDF with ncdf4

Data cleaning

  • Process your data with code
  • Reproducible analyses
  • tidyverse (Lecture 3)
data(penguins, package = "palmerpenguins")
penguins |>
  group_by(species) |>
    n = n(),
    mean_mass = mean(body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  species       n mean_mass
  <fct>     <int>     <dbl>
1 Adelie      152     3701.
2 Chinstrap    68     3733.
3 Gentoo      124     5076.

Visualise with ggplot2

ggplot(penguins, aes(x = species,
                     y = bill_length_mm,
                     colour = species)) +
  geom_beeswarm() +
  scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
  labs(x = "Species", y = "Bill length mm", colour = "Species") 

Data analysis

Huge number of statistical methods

This course will focus on

  • Exploratory data analysis (6)
  • Descriptive statistics (6)
  • Linear models (7--8)
  • Generalised linear models (9)
  • Mixed effect models (10)
  • Survival analysis (11)

Communicate results with quarto

Schematic diagram showing the copy-paste workflow using word and the reproducible quarto workflow


  • text in Word, code in R
  • copy figures & tables, paste into Word
  • find mistakes - go to step 1.


  • Code and text interwoven
  • Reproducible, dynamic documents

Data death

Natural degradation in information content associated with data and metadata

Empirical evidence of data loss

Probability of data survival vs paper age. Vines et al 2014

What would happen if you lost all of your research data?

I was focussed on creating high resolution, 3D time lapse videos of developing crustacean embryos, so all of my work was digital-based. When I lost my laptop and backups, I lost 400GB of data and close to four years of work. As a direct result I ended up getting an MPhil rather than the PhD I’d been working towards. I was hoping to have an illustrious career in science and for a time it seemed like everything would be stopped in its tracks.

Advert offering to pay thief for data on stolen laptop

Obsolescent storage equipment

Back up your raw data!

  • Keep raw data
  • Multiple places
  • Physical and cloud services
  • Be paranoid!

Archiving data

Many research funders and journals demand data archiving.

Special problems

Sensitive data



Data management plans

How data are to be collected and handled both during a research project, and after the project is completed

Write one before you start work.

FAIR principles

  • Findable
  • Accessible
  • Interoperable
  • Reusable

Meta data is as important as data.

Why ?

  • free
  • open source
  • large and friendly user community
  • many statistical methods implemented
  • makes publication ready figures
  • reproducible research
  • code is easy to share and publish.


You probably never need to open R directly.

RStudio IDE

Getting the best out of RStudio

  • projects
  • keep track of everything
  • code completion
  • bracket matching

Getting help

?length - find function length in open packages

??length - help search

Google error messages




Copilot Need github account. Copilot is free with student account.