Bio300b packages


Richard Telford


September 22, 2023

Annotated list of packages used in Bio300B, showing how we have used the package in this course (some of the packages have functionality we have not explored).


  • Base R packages, base, stats, utils etc
  • tidyverse meta package that loads tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2 etc.


  • palmerpenguins penguins


  • introverse Resources for learning R and tidyverse (gh)

Data manipulation

  • tibble improved data frames (TV)
  • readr importing data (TV)
  • janitor cleaning data
  • tidyr tidying data (TV)
  • dplyr manipulating data in data.frames/tibbles (TV)
  • lubridate manipulating dates (tv)


  • pwr power tests
  • car type II anova
  • lme4 mixed effect models
  • lmerTest forces lme4 models to give approximate p-values
  • nlme alternative package for fitting mixed effect models
  • broom convenient predictions etc from lm, glm etc models (tv)
  • broom.mixed convenient predictions etc from mixed effect models
  • MuMIn dredging data to find the best model in exploratory analyses
  • multcomp multiple comparisons


  • ggplot2 data visualisation (TV)
  • ggbeeswarm ggplot geoms for violin-plot shaped jitter
  • gghighlight highlight points and lines in ggplot
  • ggfortify lm model diagnostics
  • GGally pairs plot
  • patchwork combine plots
  • colorBlindness simulate colour-blindness


  • rnaturalearth map data
  • ggOceanMap ocean map data
  • ggmap make a map with tiles
  • terra import and process raster data
  • sf import, process and plot geospatial data
  • ggspatial help plot and annotate geospatial data


  • quarto dynamic, executable, reproducible documents with markdown
  • knitr helper functions for quarto documents
  • english numbers as words
  • gt publication ready tables


  • conflicted settle conflicts between packages
  • here finding your project root for importing/exporting files
  • remotes install packages from github
  • usethis help set-up R and RStudio