Biostats books: Enough R to write a thesis

The biostats books are written to give you enough skills to write a thesis.

The books emphasis reproducible research.

Working in R

Working in R logo

Learn how to import, manipulate and visualise data with our working in R book. After an introduction to R, this book has a tidyverse flavour, showing how to manipulate data with dplyr and make publishable plots with ggplot2. It includes lots of exercises to hone your skills.

The data life-cycle

Data life-cycle book logo

Your data are precious. Learn how to take care of them with our data life-cycle book.

Statistics in R

Statistics logo

Coming soon!

Reproducible documents with R

Quarto markdown logo

Learn how to write reproducible documents (anything from a course assignment to a thesis or manuscript) in quarto: no more copy-paste nightmares. Quarto is the successor to R markdown (our earlier R markdown book is here). All the biostats books were written in R markdown or quarto; you can see the source code in our repo on GitHub.

Git and GitHub

Git and GitHub logo

Learn how to use version control with our step-by-step guide to setting up and using git and GitHub in RStudio.

Enough targets to Write a Thesis

Targets package logo

Learn how to run data analysis pipeline for reproducible and scalable workflows. Our guide to using the targets package will show you how.

Writing an R package

Writing an R package logo

Want to make your code into an R package? Our guide to writing an R package will show you how.

Biostats apps and tutorials

We have developed interactive learnr tutorials for

  • naming objects
  • dates and times
  • string manipulation

and shiny apps to explore some statistical concepts.

These can be installed from biostats apps and learnr tutorials with

# install `remotes` package if you don't have it already
# install.packages("remotes")



Quarto thesis template

Try our thesis template for your MSc thesis to make a fully reproducible thesis.

The Biostats team

These books are a collaboration between the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen and the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Trondheim.

This is BioCeed product.