Bio300B Logistics 2024


Richard J. Telford (

Institutt for biovitenskap, UiB

21 August 2024


Who am I?

  • Palaeoecologist/ecologist with numerical interests

  • R user since 2002

  • Interested in

    • Reconstructing environmental change
    • Effect of climate change on ecosystems
    • Reproducibility in science

Teaching Assistants

Lotta Schultz

Photograph of Lotta Schultz in the mountains

Interests in global change ecology, biogeography and conservation biology.

Mika Helene Kirkhus

Photograph of Mika Helene Kirkhus with a tree

Interests in mycorrhizae


124 Students

Including about 6 PhD students

When & Where


  • Start Tuesday 20th August 1415–1600

  • Thormøhlens gate 51 (VilVite), Auditorium

  • Bio230 (August)

  • Bio325 (End Sept / early Oct)

  • ???

Printing Lecture notes

Slides made with quarto & revealjs

  • Toggle into Print View using the E key (or using the Navigation Menu)
  • Open the browser’s print dialogue ().
  • Change the Destination setting to Save as PDF.
  • Change the Layout to Landscape.
  • Change the Margins to None.
  • Enable the Background graphics option.
  • Click Save 🎉

Data labs

3 Groups per week

Group 1 Wednesday 1215–1400 K1 + K2 (Bio Blokk B)
Group 2 Thursday 1015–1200 K3 + K4 (Bio Blokk B)
Group 3 Thursday 1415–1600 K1 + K2 (Bio Blokk A) *

* except week 43

Please sign up for one group

Possible to change group if space available


Portfolio assessment

  • submissions on different aspects of the course
    • Six assignments, best five are counted
  • extra work for PhD on heisemner


5 Credit course

125–150 hours

12 weeks

~ 10–12 hours per week


Course contents

  • Using R with RStudio
  • Importing and manipulating data with tidyverse
  • Data visualisation with ggplot2
  • Executable documents with quarto
  • Experimental design & Power analysis
  • Linear regression
  • Generalised linear regression
  • Mixed effect models
  • Survival analysis

Software requirements

  • R version >= 4.4
  • RStudio version >= 2024.04.0
  • quarto

For installation & configuration instructions see Chapter 1 of the Working in R coursebook

R packages

  • tidyverse (for data manipulation and plotting)
  • remotes (for installing packages from GitHub)
  • usethis (for setting up some course material)
  • here (for helping load file)
  • gt (for making tables)
  • quarto (for making reproducible documents)

See Chapter 5 of the Working in R coursebook

(more packages will be needed later in the course)


Biostats products

Enough R to write a thesis

  • R books
  • Interactive tutorials & apps

Found a mistake / got a suggestion?

Make an issue on github


More & biostatistics

Bio courses

  • BIO303 Ordination and Gradient Analysis
    • Autumn semester
  • Bio302 Biostatisics II
    • Spring semester

Open Science course (Hjerkinn - 4–9 November)


“The first rule about R club is you talk about R.”

  • Come and help fix someone else’s R problems
  • And get help yourself

Fridays 1400-1600 in Tunet (4th floor Bio A)

Zoom possible on request

Any questions?
