6 Cross-referencing
Cross-referencing lets you refer to figures and tables in your document. Once set up, this happens automatically, so you don’t need to re-number all the figures when you add or delete one.
Cross-referencing needs to use a bookdown package output, declared in the YAML.
title: "My Manuscript"
output: bookdown::html_document2
6.1 Cross-referencing figures and tables
The chunk that made the figure or table needs to have a label (no underscores!) and a caption.
#| label: penguin-dens
#| fig-cap = Histogram of penguin body mass
penguins |>
ggplot(aes(x = flipper_length_mm, fill = species)) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.7) +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")
To cross-reference the figure made by the above chunk, we need to use this notation.
Penguins are cool (Fig. \@ref(fig:penguin-dens))
Penguins are cool (Fig. 6.1)
To refer to a table made by a chunk called penguin-results
, you would use
Penguins are cool (Table \@ref(tab:penguin-results))
Note that the fig
has been replaced by tab
in the reference.
If you get the chunk name wrong, there will be a warning when the document in knitted, and question marks shown where the reference should be.
Figure \@ref(fig:no-exist)) does not exist
Non-existing figure (Fig. ??)
6.2 Cross-referencing equations
To cross-reference an equation, we need to give it a label.
Note that the equation must be on the line below the dollars. RStudio will try to show the label in the preview - ignore it. Now the label can be used.
The mean (equation \@ref(eq:mean)).
\[ \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{x_i}}{n} \tag{6.1} \]
The mean (equation (6.1)).
6.3 Cross-referencing document sections
You can also refer to other sections of the document using the title/subtitle. For example, to refer to this section, you would use
Cross-referencing (Section \@ref(cross-referencing-document-sections))
Cross-referencing (Section 6.3)
Note that the reference must be written in lower case and spaces must be replaced by hyphens. Punctuation is deleted.